A new play centre in Peterborough which opened just a few days before lockdown hit is up and running once again.
The Lost World based at Serpentine Green shopping centre is an exciting new play area launched by Vivacity in March receiving a great response from local families keen to see more for youngsters in the Hampton area.
It was closed abruptly as lockdown was announced but has just reopened again after a thorough risk assessment and new safety measures including temperature checks on arrival.
It features a themed soft play area, a giant volcano slide and interactive climbing walls but some of the soft furnishing and all loose items have been removed, including sensory equipment.
It’s open Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5pm; Saturday, 10am – 5.30pm and Sunday 10am – 4pm. Play sessions are limited and should be booked online. You can choose to book the soft play and interactive climbing game, the volcano slide or the 5 metre climbing walls (suitable from 4 years to grown-ups!)
Face coverings must be worn by adults when you’re moving around Lost World (you may remove when seated at a table) and the number of bookings will be restricted to ensure social distancing.
Additional cleaning will be in place between sessions, along with daily anti-bacterial fogging on all surfaces.
For more information about all the activities, including our safety measures and our pricing visit www.vivacity.org/lost-world.