The Maxey Classic Car & Bike Show raised the most money ever this summer with over £6,500 going to local good causes.
The event held at Willow Brook Farm on Saturday August 17 saw over 350 vehicles take part along with entertainment and music from local band DB5.
Chairman of the organisers Bluebell Maxey Charity Club, Matt Thompson said – “Undoubtedly, the weather played a big part in bringing out the enthusiasts but we are all really pleased with the result.
"We wouldn’t be able to stage the event without the help of our sponsors and the team of volunteers who helped us with the set-up and on the day. A huge thank you to them all!

“Every year our judges, who are renowned national classic car journalists never cease to be amazed at the number and quality of classic cars that come along to our show.
"All proceeds raised go to charity and we will have a total of over £6,000 to give away this year. We would love to hear from readers of their suggestions of a local charity or cause deserving of a donation. Please get in touch – details are on our website.”
Their slogan is ‘If you drive it or ride it and love it then show it’ and this was certainly the case for both familiar faces and new faces this year.
Plans are already in place for the next Maxey Classic Car & Bike Show due to be held on Saturday August 16, 2025.