A new gym in Peterborough has had roaring success signing up over 600 members with their campaign.
In just 4 months, YMCA’s refurbished gyms and fitness classes in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire have attracted over 600 new members, many of them due to the “Feel Good, Do Good” campaign.
Whilst you’re exercising and feeling good you’re also doing good; your membership fees support YMCA’s charitable work across the country such as community counselling, supported accommodation, schools programmes and access to employment.
John sadly 10 years ago was struck down with a severe infection in his spine that left him unable to walk. With help from the YMCA gym staff he is starting to get some feeling and movement back in his left leg.
John said, “I love the friendliness of the gym and look forward to my weekly visits.
“The staff have been fantastic in the last 4 years helping me get to where I am today – it has really changed my life.”
Julie Martin who is the Fitness and Training Manager for YMCA Cambridgeshire and Peterborough said, “YMCA exists to inspire members of our local community – whether young or old.
“We pride ourselves on offering a friendly and welcome environment and John is a great example of how our gym programme helps to transform lives – not only by providing opportunities for people to get involved in physical activity, but also by providing vital funds to support other areas of the charity’s work. So why not feel good and do good by signing up today?”
Have you broken your New Year’s resolution to get fit? Get back on track with the welcoming and safe environment of the YMCA gym and while you’re working up a sweat you have comfort in knowing you’re supporting worthy causes.
If you’re feeling inspired and motivated to join, YMCA Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is offering two months free membership to new members so they have a chance to trial the new facilities. After the two free months fees start from £11.99 per month and you will also have four free personal training sessions and access to all exercise classes.
To find out more about your local YMCA Community Gyms, visit: www.ymcafitness.org.uk
Ellie Pybus